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4:25 PM

Creative Digital Specialist

Creative Digital Specialist

Art Direction

Art Direction

web Design

web Design

UI design

UI design

AI Visuals

AI Visuals

3D visuals

3D visuals





I'm Vivien — a freelancer specializing in premium web design. With several years of experience in web design and animation, I have honed my skills working with renowned brands such as 2K Games, Netflix, Mini, Ubisoft, Playstation and more.

I'm Vivien — a freelancer specializing in premium web design. With several years of experience in web design and animation, I have honed my skills working with renowned brands such as 2K Games, Netflix, Mini, Ubisoft, Playstation and more.

Each project has refined my expertise, allowing me to merge creativity and technical precision to craft exceptional digital experiences.

Each project has refined my expertise, allowing me to merge creativity and technical precision to craft exceptional digital experiences.

As an independent designer, I’ve partnered with Bunnyhop Studio, a specialist in high-end 3D visuals, to offer immersive and cutting-edge digital experiences.

Through this collaboration, I bring my expertise in premium web design and animation, while Bunnyhop enhances projects with their mastery of 3D visualization. This synergy allows us to create interactive, visually striking, and technically refined experiences for brands looking to stand out.

As an independent designer, I’ve partnered with Bunnyhop Studio, a specialist in high-end 3D visuals, to offer immersive and cutting-edge digital experiences.

Through this collaboration, I bring my expertise in premium web design and animation, while Bunnyhop enhances projects with their mastery of 3D visualization. This synergy allows us to create interactive, visually striking, and technically refined experiences for brands looking to stand out.

Copyright © 2025 Vivien nouzarede. All rigths reserved.

Copyright © 2025 Vivien nouzarede. All rigths reserved.


Branding design for Sol Excellence


Available from March